Success story
what’s for dinner?
the ask.
This new brand needed a series of short videos, full of movement and energy, whilst showing the simplicity of the cooking process and the dishes - not a step-by-step cooking guide.
In total, they wanted to showcase 5 dishes, whilst also ensuring what we captured had longevity, beyond a couple of social posts.
the answer.
We filmed all 5 dishes in one day. We were mainly able to do this as our home economist prepped all the dishes the day before. We could then use our time to focus on the visually intriguing aspects of the dishes and get creative with the camera movement and energy of the footage.
In order to ensure longevity we also captured a bank of shots for each dish, ensuring the content remains fresh and as a new brand; The Flavourists are able to easily test what footage and messaging best resonates with its audience.